Health and Safety Policy Statement

It is the policy of Environmental Service Engineers to conduct their activities to provide a healthy and safe working environment for their employees, contractors and others who may be affected by EnvironmentalService Engineers operations. Environmental Service Engineers will also determine that proper protection is afforded to the environment.

Environmental Service Engineers policies are cost effective with suitable physical and human resources employed to achieve compliance with legislative requirements and maintain management systems to reduce financial losses and liabilities.

Environmental Service Engineers health and safety policies influence all Environmental Service Engineers activities and decisions, including those involving selection of resources and information, design and operation of working systems, design and delivery of products and services, control and disposal of waste.

Effective health and safety policies must demonstrate and contribute to business performance by ensuring;

. Health and Safety in the workplace is a joint responsibility between employer, managers and employees.

. Promoting safety consciousness in employees and encouraging staff at all levels to be responsible for preventing injury, loss or damage.

. Making every reasonable effort to ensure that Environmental Service Engineers operations and activities do not cause injury or harm to the health of employees and others.

. Making every reasonable effort to protect the environment from the adverse effects, and to minimise any nuisance, which may arise from its operations.

. Ensuring a systematic approach to the identification of hazards and risks, and the allocation of suitable resources to control them.

. Supporting employee initiatives aimed at continuous assessment and improvement of Environmental Service Engineers Health and Safety issues.

General Manager, 28 May 2010


Mission Statement

Environmental Service Engineers has a commitment to show a continuing maintenance and improvement in their Health and Safety and Environmental Procedures.

Environmental Service Engineers aim to achieve this by;

. Encouraging all personnel to provide continuing assessment of Environmental Service Engineers operations.

. Providing opportunities for all employees to be involved in the systematic identification and control of hazards.

. Providing opportunities for all employees to be involved in the improvement of Environmental Service Engineers Health and Safety procedures.

. Imposing duties, with the agreement of employees, to take responsibilities for the implementation of Environmental Service Engineers procedures.

. Providing all employees and contractors with information on corrective actions to working procedures to prevent reoccurrence of identified non conformances.

. Providing adequately trained personnel, or suitable supervision, to carry out operations.

. Meeting the requirements of current best practice, the Health and Safety Employment Act 1992 and other relevant legislation.

General Manager, 28 May 2010


Enviromental Policy

Environmental Service Engineers procedures with consideration to the environment include;

. To operate Environmental Service Engineers equipment, processes and services in a manner that minimises the effect on the environment and protects the safety and health of Environmental Service Engineers employees and other persons in the vicinity or in the place of work.

. To protect the environment from the adverse effects and minimise any nuisance from Environmental Service Engineers operations and activities.

. To comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations and apply reasonable standards and procedures where laws or regulations do not exist.

. To encourage respect for the environment from Environmental Service Engineers employees by utilising appropriate operating procedures, training, providing information concerning the storage, handling, distribution, use and disposal of hazardous substances

. Carry out regular annual reviews of Environmental Service Engineers operations to determine compliance with Environmental Service Engineers' Environmental Policy.

. Provide information of any potential health or environmental hazards to relevant clients, authorities, employees and other affected organisations.


General Manager, 28 May 2010



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