Dulcosmose Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis Plants for the Desalination of Drinking Water
Dulcosmose® Reverse Osmosis Plants for the Desalination of Drinking Water for Industrial Applications are available in two standard series:

Series ecoPRO: Permeate capacity up to 2,7 m³/h
Series TW: Permeate capacity up to 50 m³/h, on demand up to 100m³/h

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Reverse Osmosis Plants for the Desalination of Brackish Water
Dulcosmose® Reverse Osmosis Plants for the Desalination of Brackish Water for Potable Water Supply as well as for Industrial Applications

Permeat capacity up to 20 m³/h, on demand up to 100m³/h.

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Reverse Osmosis Plants for Seawater Desalination
Dulcosmose Reverse Osmosis Plants for the Desalination of Seawater, for Potable Water Supply as well as for Industrial Applications

Permeat Capacity up to 27 m³/h, (on demand:) up to 60 m³/h

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Bauer Techniflo HVTurbo Verderair Jessberger